It was with great pleasure that the South Liverpool Photographic Society presented Eric Garnett ARPS, CPAGB with our Honorary Membership Award this evening.
Eric is a stalwart of the club and is well known far afield for his Natural History photography. You can see some of his stunning images that are on the website by clicking here: and for a presentation that Eric did for Hope University click here: If you type in Eric’s name into Google you will see that all over the country and abroad there are his pictures in various prestigious photographic salons and competitions.
Eric is not just a Natural history photographer he is a skilled exponent in all aspects of the photographic arts. Eric has won the clubs’ Photographer of the Year Award more than most of us wished he had!! He has won our Audio Visual Competition and also won our prestigious Alec Balmer Monochrome Competition last year. He is a great architectural and still life photographer and his capture of fleeting moments on the street is masterful and can bring tears to your eyes.
Eric always brings his family to our Annual Competition awards at the Liverpool Anglican Cathedral, which is very handy as he needs all the hands he can get to carry the trophies home!
Many members have seen their photography bloom under Eric’s guidance, his critiquing and encouragement have been a boon to lots of people.
So all in all this presentation has been greatly supported by all the members with much enthusiasm.
Thank youvery much Eric, from all of us here at SLPS and beyond.