Merseyside Life Competition 2014

No Printer ! No Problem !   A competition for Digital Projected Images only.

A great opportunity to be the first winner of a new club competition for Digital Projected Images  ( DPI’s).

The subject is designed to record the people, places and events of Merseyside and must be taken within Merseyside to be eligible.

To keep the images current, only those taken between the 12 months prior to the closing date will be eligible, i.e. nothing before 15th May 2013.

The hand in date is 15th May 2014 so plenty of time.

So start sorting through your possible entries and getting out with your camera within the Merseyside area to get those images in.

Full details can be found on the website.

Any questions or problems with sizing your images contact Bert Whittlestone or any other committee member who will be pleased to help.