SLPS members are actively encouraged to submit images for our Monthly Competitions in order to learn how to present images for competitions but more importantly to have them critiqued. This year there are four (instead of three) categories – Colour print, Mono print, Mono DPI and Colour DPI. The Guidance Notes for entering these competitions are here on our website. Subjects chosen well in advance by the membership are –
Open, Motion, Record and Architecture, Portrait and Landscape. We hope this choice for 2015/16 will help members prepare their prints for entry to the Annual Competition next Spring.
Each Monthly Competition is judged and scored out of twenty by someone not connected with SLPS and who is generally recommended/accredited by the L&CPU.
Monthly League Tables this year are being compiled by Derek Lang. Updated results can be found here on our website. SLPS 2015_16 monthly competition league tables as of 7_11_15