Here are the images that we selected for our entry.

The Prints first.

'Wow, that's the Mallard' by Martin Reece ARPS

‘Wow, that’s the Mallard’ by Martin Reece ARPS

Beach Walk

‘Beach Walk’ by Alan Shufflebotham

Beady Eye

‘Beady Eye’ by Wayne Brocken

Communion Day Play

‘Communion Day Play’ by Paul Matthews

Fire Exit

‘Fire Exit’ by Ian Kemp

Liverpool Blitz

‘Liverpool Blitz’ by Alan Jones

Man of God

‘Man of God’ by Paul Mathews


‘Memories’ by Tony Myers FRPS


‘Reflections’ by Paul Matthews

Selling on the Floating Market

‘Selling on the Floating Market’ by Tony Myers FRPS


Next the PDI (Projected Digital Images). I have to point out that the Bebington projection system was out of kilter and made a lot of images have burnt out highlights.

Fiddlers Ferry

‘Fiddlers Ferry’ by Alan Shufflebotham

Josef - Giant Slalom

‘Josef – Giant Slalom’ by John Thomson

Mono Lake

‘Mono Lake’ by Tracey Dolan

No Barking!

‘No Barking!’ by Irene Drummond

Reaching Up

‘Reaching Up’ by Paul Matthews

Time Capsule

‘Time Capsule’ by Paul Matthews


‘Anusia’ by Sean O’Brien

Art and Soul

‘Art and Soul’ by Ian Kemp

Driver Talk

‘Driver Talk’ by Paul Matthews

Dyson with Danger

‘Dyson with Danger’ by Ian Kemp