2016 Alec Balmer Mono Print Competition Results

Article by Mal Holmes

Thursday 08/12/16

What can we say about tonight’s showing, except Stunning Quality!!! Tonight we saw the finale of our Society’s Annual ‘Alec Balmer’ monochromatic print competition, judged by another superb protagonist in the ‘art of photography’… none other than Roger Evans, FPBE EFIAP DPAGB.

Roger had the unenviable task in perusing the amassed printed monochrome images entered by the membership, giving positive critiques, and suggesting useful alterations to those whose images didn’t quite make the final cut. In saying this though the overall quality of all the images entered was astounding once again for this prestigious internal competition, which gives the winner, well deserved ‘kudos’ rights within the Society along with the fine, glass ‘Alec Balmer’ trophy. 

The final selection of 21 images from the membership were stunning and would grace any gallery wall, in the city and further afield. those images which took the ‘Commended’ and Highly Commended’ placings, would have won many a ‘salon; entry, such was the quality of last nights showing, This was further enhanced for the viewers gathered, by the showing of the individual DPI’s projected on our large screen, with the Society’s new digital projector, which ran along side the judged, printed image displayed on our light frame.

The final three images selected by Roger, were exemplars in the ‘Art’ of Black & White, and Monochromatic Photography, and Roger was emphatic in his praise of these top three winning images, which I have included with this report… However, when picking Irene’s fantastic street shot, Roger stated the only way to improve on this image was to rename it…. ‘The Decisive Moment’ in honour of Henri Cartier-Bresson’s book. Nonetheless, the quality of the printed image on all levels, was without doubt, simply sublime…

1st prize… and winner of the 2016/17 Alec Balmer Trophy… Irene Drummond

with her ‘A Cartier Bresson Moment’

2nd prize… ‘Derwent Ferries’ by Thomas Jeffers

3rd prize… ‘Winter Light’ by Thomas Jeffers

A fantastic showing by ALL our membership, making the night a ‘flagship’ moment in the SLPS season.

1st Place - "A Cartier Breton Moment" by Irene Drummond

1st Place – “A Cartier Breton Moment” by Irene Drummond


2nd Place "Derwent Ferries" by Tom Jeffers

2nd Place –  “Derwent Ferries” by Tom Jeffers

3rd Place - "Winter Light" by Tom Jeffers

3rd Place – “Winter Light” by Tom Jeffers